5•5 are engaged in the fight against counterfeiting to support the original design. A commitment to their image, giving birth to a collection entitled "Original Copies" The craze for design pieces has never been so important. However the furniture of great designers are now victims of their success. The counterfeits of Eames, Saarinen, Prouvé, Le Corbusier ... are flourishing on the market and this phenomenon, hitherto anecdotal, continues to develop.
The manifest project "Copies Originales" is above all an awareness campaign. The main idea lies in the desire to identify the copies on the market to reveal them to the general public and prevent them from spreading a bad image of the brand and designers.
We imagined an adhesive tape on which appears very clearly the legislation relating to counterfeiting. This ribbon "Original Copy by 5•5" on sale can stigmatize a copy and report the fraudulent nature.
By adhering to the approach and by deciding to wrap his piece of furniture of this red trace, the consumer becomes aware of his act and redeems himself a conscience by deciding to sensitize his entourage. The object thus identified becomes the support of a manifesto instead of promoting it. This answer is also an alternative to destruction. Effective and highly symbolic action but unfortunately represents a real waste when we look at the problem from a purely ecological point of view. The use of adhesive tape preserves the function of the object while removing the mediocrity of the finish and quality of the product.
We thus offer the opportunity to a fooled consumer to give a new status to his heritage. Since the resale of a counterfeit is heavily sanctioned by law, these pieces therefore have no commercial value. This project raises the question of creating an original character from a counterfeit. The piece, passed into the hands of a designer and resulting from a creative process, do they finds their original character and therefore value? The debate is open.